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Seaside History

Seaside Lifeguards: A Fond Seasonal Farewell

August 28, 2013 | by Nate Burke

Can you believe it’s almost Labor Day Weekend? Don’t fret!  We’re still probably in for some dynamic weather throughout September and summer doesn’t officially end until September 21. However, Labor Day marks the last day of lifeguarding season where our bronzed beach defenders will be out in force for the last time this year.

The lifeguard cycle is a well-known rhythm in Seaside – dating back further than most can remember. Shown here are two of Seaside’s all-star lifeguards in the summer of 1936. Clarke Thompson and Wally Hug were popular local surfers and water-men who channeled their athletic skills into lifeguarding. Along with their trusty dog, Bruno, and their beach cruiser (outfitted with a winch and pulley system), they were ready for every sort of beach emergency. Our hearty water warriors will be driving drive off into the sunset after Labor Day weekend, but don’t despair!  They’ll be back next summer, rested up and ready to safeguard our golden Seaside sunny season.

Editors Note: The Seaside Lifeguards operate from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day from 11:00am – 6:00pm seven days a week.  They provide surf rescue capabilities, basic first aid, help keep our beaches clean throughout the summer months, and can also provide helpful tips about when and where the safest spots are to play in the surf.

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