Let’s be clear: July 4th is going to look a little different in Seaside this year. While many of your favorite events had to take a step back due to COVID restrictions – including the annual fireworks show at the Turnaround – Seaside is in Phase 2 of Oregon’s reopening framework and remains a popular beach destinations this holiday. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy this unique Independence Day holiday safely and responsibly.
First Saturday Art Walk ✅
First the good news! The First Saturday Art Walk will indeed be held this year from 5 to 7 pm on Saturday, July 4th between Holladay Drive and Broadway in the historic Gilbert District of Seaside. The art walk is celebrating its 16th year with new summer art in every gallery and will be following the state’s guidelines on masks, social distancing, and limited occupancy at any one time.
4th of July Old Fashioned Social ❌
Unfortunately, the 4th of July Old Fashioned Social at the Seaside Historical Society & Museum has been cancelled. With food, music, games, face painting, and more, this Seaside tradition has become a family favorite.
4th of July Parade ❌
Another tradition we’ll have to do without this year is the 4th of July Parade through downtown Seaside for all to see. It will be back next year!
4th of July Fireworks ❌
One of the largest fireworks shows on the West Coast, this 25-minute extravaganza is the undisputed highlight (at least in terms of its impact) of every Independence Day in Seaside. For a few good reasons, the Chamber of Commerce has decided to wait until next year for another round of unbelievable fireworks.

To ensure you leave with a good experience and we protect the health of our community and environment, here are six tips to keep in mind:
BRING MASKS AND SOCIAL DISTANCE. Stay at least six feet from those outside your party and wear a mask when downtown or in close proximity to others. Masks have been shown to reduce risk of contagion for yourself and those around you. If you’re sick, please stay home.
USE ONLY LEGAL OREGON FIREWORKS. Illegal fireworks explode, behave in an uncontrollable and unpredictable manner, eject balls of fire, or travel more than six feet on the ground or one foot into the air.
SHARE THE BEACH. No tents on the beach, avoid digging large fire pits (nothing larger than three feet in length, width or depth), and pallets are not allowed in any circumstances as they litter the sand with hidden nails. Please keep fires at least 50 feet from the beach grass and do not start fires in drift wood.
STASH YOUR TRASH. Use the public garbage receptacles posted at entry points to the beach along the Promenade.
COME PREPARED. Seaside restaurants are a great option for meals during your visit – dine-in options are limited, take-out is plentiful – but consider bringing all groceries with you to lessen the burden on our local supply chains, which residents depend on.
BE RESPONSIBLE. Police, fire, and city officials work around the clock to keep services in town running as smooth as possible with the large numbers of holiday visitors. If you need assistance with a non-emergency or want to report something, don’t hesitate to contact authorities at 503.738.6311. If you see something, please say something.
Thank you for enjoying your Independence Day in Seaside and we look forward to the return of our annual parades, events, and fireworks next summer.