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Seaside Stories

Let’s Fly a Kite

April 20, 2011 | by Barbara Jensen

Perhaps you were out flying your kite last week. I confess I have not flown a kite in years and do my best to ignore the kite living in the recesses of my closet, but I know it’s in there and it’s been waiting for a long time.

When I took it out, I discovered it was not the simple diamond shape with a frame and tail but a much more complex apparatus.  When I found out my grandson’s closet held a waiting kite too, we got our kites and went kite flying on the beach in Seaside.

I am no expert and suspect an authentic ‘kiter’ would have a lot of cool stuff to write about kites.  The many types and uses of kites, their history, customs, and worldwide appeal. But I do know a kite expert now and she recommends kite flying as a means to relax and reduce stress.

On the beach at Seaside is perfect for this. There are no overhead wires and the beach has few up or down wind drafts from the winds which move across the ocean. This makes kite flying easier and explains why kites are a common part of the Seaside landscape. Kite flying is for dry days as wet kite lines can act as a conductor for static electricity and lightning in a storm.

My grandson is a great sport and so we took our kites to the beach at Seaside yesterday. We had perfect weather; overcast but dry with warm breezes and lots of room to run. With a little last minute assembly help from Mom, his kite was ready. After only a few minutes of experimenting, his dramatic looking dragon shaped kite easily caught the breeze and up it went.

Playing around outside, running barefoot on the sand (which was surprisingly warm), and looking up at the soaring beast really released the stress just as promised.  We all appreciated the fun and after we brought the dragon down from the sky we sat together by the ocean sharing a treat and enjoying our time together.

Remember how much fun kite flying is? If you can’t remember, or you haven’t gone kite flying and are still waiting to try, this is a great time of year to go. To see different styles and types of kites, check out Seaside’s Northwest Winds Kite Shop.

Is there is a kite hiding in the back of a closet? Don’t neglect that child inside who wants to have fun and a day at the beach in Seaside.

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