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Seaside Stories

Seaside’s Famous Feathered Citizens

April 4, 2014 | by Nicole Bailey

Have you met the supporting actors of our beautiful Seaside Scenery? I mean the feathered ones, who fly and sing. Seaside boasts over 300 species of birds, and spring is a great time to enjoy them. With so many ways to observe these colorful and agile creatures, the experience is a must when visiting Seaside.

Enjoy local events oriented around preservation, observation, and appreciation of our flying friends. The Necanicum Watershed Council hosts an annual Bird Discovery Day, and Fort Stevens State Park has monthly Let’s Go Birding surveys. In addition, the North Coast Land Conservancy offers guided hikes throughout the year which are an excellent opportunity to see a variety of birds, and learn more about the North Coast.

To learn more about birding in Seaside, visit the birding section of our website.


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