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Seaside Stories

The Succulent Season

January 6, 2013 | by Nate Burke

If you sit in the cove at dusk or happen to be walking home at night on the promenade, you’ll often see a choir of twinkling lights moving out near the horizon. From onshore they look like little will-o-wisps bobbing around in the night. These lights are the trumpet blast that lets you know commercial crabbing season is now in full swing. Commercial crab season was delayed a few weeks this year and we’re still in that initial 2-3 week period that starts off with a frantic bang.  Often, those lights wink out there in the darkness at really late hours and I marvel at the hardworking souls laboring in the chilly night.

But their toil definitely doesn’t go unappreciated as the harvest comes directly to our restaurants in Seaside. During these winter months our sideways walking friends become full and heavy with meat. Your fresh Dungeness cravings can be satisfied all over town: Dooger’s, Norma’s, Twisted Fish Steakhouse, Finn’s Fish House, as well as over the counter at the notable Bell Buoy seafood market. It’s a delicious way to immerse yourself in the bounty of the local habitat and experience a longstanding Oregon Coastal tradition.

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