Events Calendar

There’s almost always something going on in Seaside. From art walks and wine walks to the world’s largest beach volleyball tournaments and relay races… plan your trip around your favorite events or use this calendar to join in the fun during your stay.

Listening to the Land: Exploring Conservation Forestry

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

At Listening to the Land: Exploring Conservation Forestry, Peter Hayes will share the history of Hyla Woods, a non-industrial private forest that his family manages with conservation as a driving value. He will discuss the need for working models of operations that clearly maintain and restore the land’s health and wealth while being profitable enoughFind OUT MORE


Live Music: Wes Wahrmund

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Live Music: Wes Wahrmund at the Seaside Public Library. Come enjoy an evening of solo guitar at 7pm. Wes plays classical guitar with light jazz and some original tunes.


“Lightning in a Saddle: The Evelyn Hamilton Story” with Joe Kurmaskie

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Come to the Seaside Public Library for "Lightning in a Saddle: The Evelyn Hamilton Story" with Joe Kurmaskie. Joe will recount the untold but true story of British long distance cyclist, Evelyn Hamilton, who became a record breaking/gender bending figure in pre-World War II cycling. She was the first British woman to ride 1000 miles inFind OUT MORE


Listening to the Land: Wildlife, the Artist’s Eye, and You

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Join Gearhart naturalist and photographer Neal Maine for the final Listening to the Land presentation of 2017. During Listening to the Land: Wildlife, the Artist’s Eye, and You, Neal will explore how artists can connect us with the natural world and drive us to protect it. With video, still photographs, poetry and music, he willFind OUT MORE


Listening to the Land: Dam, Beaver! Dam!

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Join Kate Holleran for Listening to the Land: Dam, Beaver! Dam! at the Seaside Public Library. Kate is a senior natural resources scientist at Metro and has implemented several projects to improve the aquatic and forest habitat along Johnson Creek, on Chehalem Ridge, and on other local streams, much to the delight of beavers. She’llFind OUT MORE


“A Town Called Seaside” with Gloria Linkey

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

In “A Town Called Seaside,” author and historian Gloria Linkey will be our tour guide as she takes us through Seaside’s origins as a summer resort town in the 1940s to the thriving tourist attraction the town has become today. Linkey’s research conjures up beautiful images of pre-World War II bygone days, where people walkedFind OUT MORE


Listening to the Land: Tracking the Brown Pelican

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Join Astoria biologist Deborah Jaques for Listening to the Land: Tracking the Brown Pelican at the Seaside Public Library. Deborah will share information about the birds’ natural history and migration patterns, informed in part by results from a recent electronic tracking study. She will highlight conservation concerns such as the importance of preserving key forageFind OUT MORE


Seaside Library Presents: Writers at Work

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

The Seaside Library Presents: Writers at Work - Conservation Project "Fish Tales: Traditions and Challenges of Seafood in Oregon" with Jennifer Burns Bright. In this conversation Jennifer, a food and travel writer, helps participants explore our relationship with the products of the sea and cultural traditions involving fishing, eating seafood, and understanding the ocean’s bountyFind OUT MORE


Listening to the Land: Life in the River

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Join assistant project leader of the Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Project, Derek Wiley for Listening to the Land: Life in the River at the Seaside Public Library. Derek has spent the past decade researching salmon and steelhead and making estimates about their abundance and survival rates on the northern Oregon coast. He will also provideFind OUT MORE


“Drawing Natural Objects” with Dorota Haber-Lehigh

Seaside Public Library 1131 Broadway, Seaside, OR, United States

Do you like to draw? Like seashells? Combine the two and sign up for the workshop "Drawing Natural Objects" with Dorota Haber-Lehigh, a local artist and illustrator, at the Seaside Public Library. Dorota will present exercises to loosen the hand which will help to draw with confidence. The class will discuss light and shadow, howFind OUT MORE
